Science behind
There are several scientific articles published in academic journals where it is possible to observe the work done in the field of psychology in an online context.

Richards, D. (2009). Features and benefits of online counselling: Trinity College online mental health community
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 37(3), 231-242
Perle, J. G. & Nierenberg, B. (2013). How Psychological Telehealth Can Alleviate Society's Mental Health Burden: A Literature Review
Journal of Technology in Human Services, 31, 22-41
Simpson, S. G. & Reid, C. L. (2014). Therapeutic alliance in videoconferencing psychotherapy: A review
Australian Journal of Rural Health, 22, 280-299
Janseen, R., Prins, H., Hout, A., Nauta, J., Hettinga, M., Krieke, L. & Sytema, S. (2015). Videoconferencing in Mental Health Care Professional Dilemmas in a Changing Health Care Practice
eTELEMED 2015: The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine